Saturday, December 3, 2011

Attack of the Killer COWS!

December 1 & 2
   Our first two days of the month have proved to be nothing short of eventful. In my effort to spend quality Christmas time with my family, I got the grand idea to head out to Hollywild Christmas Lights. For those of you who know my husband, you know that a couple hours in a car sitting in traffic, looking at lights and listening to Christmas music just isn't his cup of tea. The wonderful thing about Hollywild on a Thursday at 6PM is that there are very few people rushing out to see the lights. This put Josh in much better spirits about being there and the look on Peyton's face was of course priceless. The sound of Peyton yelling "twinkle stars" rang through the car until we pulled into the Deer Forest...
   Peyton's tune quickly changed to "a deer, a deer... a cow". We had bought crackers to feed the animals which was way too tempting for two cows that headed stright our way. Now who knew that a whole head including horns would fit perfectly into the windows of an xterra. All of a sudden there was one in each front window. I start laughing uncontrollably as Josh pleads only in what I can call the voice of a desparate man. The cow had licked him from wrist to shoulder. All the while my usually vocal son sits quietly and calmly watching from his car seat.
    Now as fun as this was we must move on to go feed the greedy goats while Peyton yells to see the camel he won't pet. If you have never been it is great fun but keep the windows up a little and expect to get your car washed the next day. At least I was able to talk some possible business at the car wash.

    After all this excitement Peyton and I needed some downtime while daddy is at work. We had our first night of making cookies. Shortbread with icing and sprinkles. They may not be pretty but they sure are good. That's what happens when a 2 year old decorates!

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